Wikipedia List of Unusual Articles | Analog Vibrato


Wikipedia List of Unusual Articles is a multi-mode analog pitch vibrato pedal that uses a bucket brigade delay line to wiggle your notes in all sorts of directions. Under the hood is a sine wave LFO that delivers exceedingly smooth and musical modulation. Set it fast in momentary mode to punch in little flutters on the fly. Set it slow and deep for a wide lo-fi vibrato effect when layered with reverb and delay. Experiment and see what works for you and your music. There are no wrong ways to vibrato.


Bypass (left switch) - Turns the pedal on and off in all modes

Rise (right switch) - Swells in the modulation when in momentary mode

Rate - Sets the speed of the modulation cycle from slow to fast

Depth - Sets the range of the modulation sweep from very shallow to very very deep.

Rise - Sets the rate at which the modulation swells in when the pedal is in momentary mode.

Mode - Selects between latching and momentary modes. When the switch is to the left the pedal is in latching mode and the controls set the modulation functions as expected. When the switch is to the right the pedal is in momentary mode and the vibrato effect will only happen when the right footswitch is depressed.